Coaching and mentoring are time-honored practices in the workplace.
Most people in the workplace receive some coaching during careers even if it only for
a limited time.Everyone stands to benefit from effective coaching in core and advanced
skills at different times. The most common recipients of coaching tend to be junior or
middle managers. Coaching is valuable in the cases of Shortage of talent, starting up
a business, structural changes, new recruits, fast trackers, senior executives, poor
performers, and users of new technology.
Basic features of Coaching at ZICON :
To set goals
To examine tactics
To set targets
To challenge assumptions
To point out weaknesses
To maximize strengths
To provide feedback
To provide focus
Most employees would benefit from the care, consideration and attention to detail
that formal or informal mentoring can provide for career development. However certain
types of employees or working situations demonstrate urgent need for mentoring fellows
such as new company hires, new department hires, high potential employees, low-achieving
employees, people on career breaks, and motivated staff.